Top 10 In the World Japanese Call Center Company

Well, are you looking for the best business outsourcing company in Asia or Japan, to be specific? The country boasts of the best BPO agencies, and you won’t have to hire your staff to handle some business aspects. These firms have the best professionals who will handle your core tasks, such as a marketing strategy, customer interaction, technical support, and more, at an affordable price. And since you will be …

outsourcing call center pros and cons


OUTSOURCING CALL CENTER PROS AND CONS A call center offshore outsourcing can be defined as an external service provider that found in the United States for operating and managing calls. The service provider deals with training and acquiring the center agents. They also maintain the call center software, the infrastructure and also manage daily to daily call operations at the center. It is possible for a company to outsource the …

benefits of call center outsourcing Article body:

7 benefits of call center outsourcing

 7 Benefits of Call Center Outsourcing Every company belonging to the era of modernization and information technology has one main goal: increase overall profitability. One way is to cut down on extra costs they can let you put your resources into better areas for growth and success. Your call center should definitely be a place to save money. At the same, there are other benefits as well. Come imagine 7 …

I need a call center for my business

I need a call center for my business! 5 reasons why you need a call center

“I need a call center for my business!” 5 reasons why you need a call center. Has your business missed sales or had service cancellations that irritate customers? If your business counts on reliable human assistance, then it’s crucial to offer customers a way to immediately get human help and have their problems addressed professionally. A live call center option provides a professional and intimate presentation that comforts clients and makes …

Google Play TutorMandarin Android APP

“Mandarin Goes Mobile” – TutorMandarin Launches New Android APP

Mandarin Goes Mobile with the New APP, TutorMandarin 1-on-1 online Chinese classes taught by certified Mandarin tutors through a state-of-the-art Android app that features a virtual classroom, full in-app courses, interactive daily content, and more. TutorMandarin is available now on Google Play and via website.  TutorMandarin has officially launched its Android app today on the Google Play Store, ushering in the next step in online Chinese education. The app offers 1-on-1 …

Advisors at Global Travel Assistant Ltd | Attract Chinese Tourists

Global Travel Assistant恭賀隆中公司上櫃

  從大家耳熟能詳的憤怒鳥、CANDY CRUSH,到近日引爆話題的精靈寶可夢;手遊因老少咸宜,成為21世紀族群的熱愛。看準這個趨勢,看準這個趨勢,隆中作為推出風靡臺灣手遊界的「知識王」等熱門遊戲的網路公司,憑藉團隊合作優勢、有效的經營策略,在這個競爭激烈、汰換飛速的領域,以初生之犢不畏虎的氣勢殺出了一條血路。 *首張照片左起為AppWorks創辦人林之晨,隆中董事長曾仲銘與 Net Marketing創辦人董鵬華。    此次上櫃前業績發表會,隆中營運毛利連年成長的亮眼表現,證明”AppWorks之初創投”等有力投資者明智的抉擇。善於與互聯網企業合作,發揮業內資源槓桿效益,是隆中成功的關鍵之一。創立階段,Net Marketing作為主要的天使投資人,有幸見證了隆中這段奇蹟般的成長史。身兼 Net Marketing 和 Global Travel Assistant. LTD 創辦人的董鵬華相當看好隆中後續的發展力道( Global Travel Assistant 目前主要產品為Tutormandarin線上中文教學與Tripper旅遊翻譯服務App )。    隆中善用跨文化團隊和後臺大數據分析工具,以國際化的視野在眾多競爭者中脫穎而出,依據亞太不同區域市場,將手遊本地化後二次發行。App市場僧多粥少,其成功經驗值得所有如Global Travel Assistant的互聯網公司借鏡。最後,再次恭喜隆中!

GTA Taipei Office Sign

Global Travel Assistant Ltd. Opens Taipei Office

Global Travel Assistant has officially opened it’s new Taiwan office located at Keelung Rd., Section 1, No. 180, 2nd Floor, Taipei, Taiwan 110.The new office is located a mere four floors down from the Appworks incubator, the very incubator Global Travel Assistant graduated from at proud member of the 11th class. It was through Appworks’ 11th demo day, Global Travel Assistant launched its live Mandarin tutoring app, Lingochat. Global Travel Assistant’s location choice highlights a commitment to keep close ties with Taiwan’s thriving entrepreneurial …