Peter Tung – CEO

Peter Tung has been CEO of Global Travel Assistant Ltd. since its inception. He is also CEO and founder of both Net Marketing and OSBAY. Before that, he was the CEO of iIchiba Inc.

Head Team-01

Samuel I. Silverman – CMO

Samuel I. Silverman is a seasoned expat entrepreneur. A Boston Native, Villanova Graduate, US State Dept. Critical Scholarship Recipient, Samuel spent his formal years in Beijing founding international arts school "ArtPlus," working as online marketing for, acting as creative director for Red Pagoda, and most recently, taking the helm as head of marketing at Global Travel Assistant.

Head Team-03

Toru Matsumoto – Japanese Head

Canon Marketing Japan Inc. -Sales representative
IBM Business Consulting Services KK - Consultant (IT Security)
Masterpiece Group Inc. - Risk Managemant manager/IT department manager
95teleweb Information - Sales department director

Toru Matsumoto